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Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2016

Writing Exercise 009

It's time for my weekly writing exercise again! :D
There was a quote given this time, and I decided to do a double-drabble (exactly 200 words). It turned out rather dark; but I hope you like it still.
2016/02/09 - "An unfed mind devours itself." --Gore Vidal (Double-drabble)

Eyes staring bleakly into the darkness; until the darkness is so bored it stares back. There is no telling time in the confinement of a mind. Yet the clock is tick-tocking, tick-tocking. Its unnerving sound resonates in through one ear, echoes inside the skull, and goes out the other. No reaction; and why should there be? 
Inside is so much turmoil the body has gone deaf to the world, paralyzed and shrouded in the blackness of night. Bottomless abysses yawn open their maws, suck in hurricanes of an agony only known to the mind. Maelstroms, waterfall currents sweep away any hope for tomorrow; sloshing tsunamis of darkness crush what is left of sanity. It breaks into thousands of shards, adamantinely sharp and potent of making the mind bleed. And bleed it wants; just to feel anything but this mind-numbing agony. Silent screams roar through the darkness. But silence itself is even louder. 
The neverending nightmares were gentler, but this mind can sleep no more; it is wide awake, caught in its even more nightmarish vicious circle of agony. It is all alone, and will ever be. 
Finally silence reigns in a lazy mind; no thought, no will, no thrive forever.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Sehr beeindruckend. Erinnert in seiner Intensität an Kafka.

    1. Danke. Dieser Vergleich ist ein größeres Lob als ich mir je erdacht hätte.
