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Dienstag, 28. August 2018

Writing Exercise 142

Good morning!

It it time for another writing exercise. :D
Today I have a little drabble for you, which I wrote in the very situation described therin. Enjoy!
2018/08/29 – pre-dawn (Drabble)

Sometimes the night is over before it even dawns. Something awakes you from your slumber, grasps you, shakes away the tiredness from your body and won't let go until you decide to get up. Silently you heed its call, get yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea and sit by the window to watch over the sleeping world like a sentry, a mortal guardian angel. You peer into the darkness and by the minute it seems to lift as the sky slowly turns from black to blue to violet. Suddenly a silver lining – the beauty of sunrise is yours.

Montag, 20. August 2018

Writing Exercise 141

A new week, a new writing exercise! :D
This time I was prompted again by my buddy from the art group, and I decided to write a German sonnet for this prompt. Enjoy!
2018/08/20 – “shadows of big creatures soar through the sky, the sky looks almost like it's burning“ (German sonnet)

The sky is painted in fiery reds
There are clouds of ash and smoke
Ghastly shadows swoosh like a feather stroke
You think you're safe at home in your beds?

A roar erupts from the heavens like thunder
The earth seems caught in a conflagration
People tremble with dread and anticipation
That those creatures tear the world asunder

Flying death approaches from the sky
Don't hope for mercy for they will deny
You think there is a silver lining?

As the shadows soar over the lands
Your fate lies solely in their hands
Onto soot and ruins the sun will be shining

Mittwoch, 15. August 2018

Writing Exercise 140

Hello there!

I know this comes at a late hour, but I couldn't sleep so worked on this prompt by a friend from my art group. So here is this week's exercise:
2018/08/15 – They came out of nowhere, the demons are destroying the city. This is the end” (drabble)

It all started with a dull rumble. The earth shook and trembled under the sheer force of nature. But it was no ordinary earthquake. No, it was something more sinister. Something, which heralded the beginning of the end. An abysmal rift opened and split the city in two, and from it they emerged – ghastly creatures conjured from your worst nightmares. Demons of all kinds, and they sought to destroy and kill and devour. None was safe. There was no hope to survive this horror for no man-made weapon could touch a hair on their ugly heads. The end was nigh.

Montag, 6. August 2018

Writing Exercise 139

Hello again!

This week my focus lies on a rhethorical device: the alliteration. Thus I challenged myself to this little exercise:
2018/08/06 – alliteration ABC

After all astronauts are afloat.
Before breakfast bakers bake bread.
Crying children cannot chill.
Dark days devour dreams dreadfully.
Even elephants eat every evening.
Floating fleets ferry furry ferrets.
Great geese gobble grass gleefully.
Happy hippies hold hands heartily.
Ivy is insidiously irascible inside.
Just join joggers joyously.
Keen knights kill knowing kindness.
Long leaves lay loosely, lingering listlessly.
My muse may moan miserably.
No, naysayers never need negotiation.
Orchid orchards overshadow odour.
Poets play plenty poetic pranks.
Quixotic queens question querulously.
Ravenous ravens rise restlessly.
Softly swaying she sings sweet serenades.
The tragedy therein tortures them terribly.
Usually users underestimate utility units.
Very vicious villains vandalize variegated vernissages.
Wintry winds whisper without wailing.
X-rays x-ray xylophones.
Yesterday you yielded yearning, yet yelping.
Zealous zebras zigzag zoos.