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Montag, 31. Oktober 2016

Writing Exercise 047

Do you believe in ghosts -- if only for just one day?
Today is Halloween, the night of the hauning ghosts, and living dead, and roaming monsters, and the supernatural.
Maybe you might want to keep your eyes open. You could witness something extraordinary. ;)

The last writing exercise of this month is also the last writing exercise before NaNoWriMo.
Of course, the topic is Halloween, but I hope you enjoy this drabble.
Have a nice holiday tomorrow!
2016/10/31 – Halloween (Drabble)

Tonight is the night. It is All Hallows' Eve. Big and round, yellow and orange, the pumpkins grin at you. Everywhere you go they sit on porches, railings, doorsteps, ogling you, laughing at you with sharp teeth and wicked eyes. At night their ghastly grimaces burn in the darkness like haunting creatures – lurking and waiting, ready to pounce. They look as if they might come alive any moment to haunt you, to taunt you. The wind howls and echoes their imaginative laughter from the trees. It feels as if they'd come for you, and maybe they do. Run, don't walk!

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