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Dienstag, 21. Juni 2016

Writing Exercise 028

This week's writing exercise is very interesting. I guess the topic implies a specific genre, but we'll see. :D
I additionally challenged myself to write a drabble. Therefore this exercise is pretty short. But it might get you thinking... ;)
Here it is:
2016/06/21 – be a visionary (Drabble)

Imgaine I could see into the future. Imagine I could take a glimpse at what life would be like then. Imagine I could know the fate of you and me and everyone else. What would I do with that knowledge? Would you believe me if I told you? Yes, that's what I thought. But what if I wrote down everything instead? What if I guised my visions in the cloak of the fantastic stories you are able to read now? Perhaps you might find them entertaining, perhaps you might buy my books. But you will remember when it actually happens.

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