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Mittwoch, 22. März 2017

VIPs and WIPs

As I've mentioned in another blogpost, it is always good to have more than one work in progress (WIP), so you can switch to whichever work you feel you are able to continue best. Let your creativity tell you what to do!

Surely you will find that -- for a period of time -- you are most in the flow when writing one particular project. For the time being it becomes your very important project (VIP). Which is good. You focus on your VIP and spend a lot of time polishing your work, ideally until you finish it.

You may neglect your other WIPs during that time, but don't forget about them. They are waiting for you to return and spend some time with them, too. Your aim should be to finish what you started; not right now, not tomorrow, but in due time. And take that time. Remind yourself of all the good ideas you've had, and all the stories you want to tell. Can you really turn your back on them?
Surely you will find a new VIP amongst them...

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