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Freitag, 13. Januar 2017

Writing Exercise 057

It's time for another writing exercise. This week's double drabble is about probablilities, about life and space. It is meant to make you stop to think for a moment so you might appreciate life on Earth more. Here ist is:
2017/01/13 – coincidence (double drabble)

There are countless stars in the sky, billions and trillions lightyears away. They are coming to life or dying or are somewhere in between. Some shine so much brighter than others; others are just like our sun. Planets might orbit them, large gas globes or tiny snowballs.
What are the odds that there are others like our Earth? Planets that circulate around their star in an inhabitable zone, neither too hot nor too cold? Planets that consist of all the necessary elements needed to create life? Planets that are encased by an atmosphere which enables life and protects it? And if such places exist, what are the odds that life would bloom the way it does on Earth?
Time made monads and protozoons evolve into plants and fish and mammals and insects and amphibians. Extreme climate changes eliminated whole populations and made room for new species.
And from them humankind emerged and spread over the world. There are 193 states in the UN, and 13 more stare-like territories exist. According to statistics there were 7.39 billion people living on Earth last year.
Then what are the odds that you and I exist at the same time – that we meet?

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