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Dienstag, 5. März 2019

Writing Exercise 169


I'm still working on the prompts a member of the Dead Pete Society gave me, so have another drabble this week! :D
2019/03/06 – Fireworks (Drabble)

Merry chatter and music playing around you; happy people crowd the place, shoulder to shoulder the throng of visitors sways painfully slowly forward. Somehow you manage to find some space off to the side, filling a gap where you can finally breathe. A little forlornly you stare into the sky. It is dark, yet you can hardly see the stars. Suddenly all lights wink out; the music stops and a murmur tides through the crowd like a wave. A bang. The people let out a collective noise as colours flit across the sky, twinkling, blinking, raining down. Finally, the fireworks.

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