Hello again!
Thi time I tumbled over a questionaire on twitter so chose ten questions out of those 31 for this week's writing exercise and answered them. So this is me. XD
2018/12/13 – Interview with a vampire writer
1. Introduce yourself!
I'm Asuka Ishimaru, a self-published science fiction and fantasy
author, digital and traditional artist, law student and housewife.
2. What are your hobbies?
I love writing, drawing, painting, reading and video games. I miss
sailing, but I'm looking into skiing.
3. Where do you most hope to visit?
The places where my dear writing buddies live so we can meet in
person and geek about our characters and plots.
4. What I your most-used emoji?
XD, closely followed by a black heart and an upside down smiley.
5. What was your first job?
Our neighbour back when I was in school was a locally famous linoleum
print artist. I helped out in his atelier.
6. Who was your biggest teacher in life?
My mother; she taught me to laugh and love and live and just be
myself, come what may.
7. What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?
Stay true to yourself and keep doing what you do. Life is tough, but
you end up being me.
8. What job would you be terrible at?
Professional road racing athlete. I hate cycling with a passion.
9. What is your favourite song?
I have many favourite songs, and they change with the characters or
stories I'm writing. My favourite band however is Trivium.
10. Do you have any pets?
I have a bunch of cacti. Does that count? I may not be able to cuddle
them but they have names and I talk to them.