This week my focus lies on a rhethorical device: the alliteration. Thus I challenged myself to this little exercise:
2018/08/06 – alliteration ABC
After all astronauts are afloat.Before breakfast bakers bake bread.Crying children cannot chill.Dark days devour dreams dreadfully.Even elephants eat every evening.Floating fleets ferry furry ferrets.Great geese gobble grass gleefully.Happy hippies hold hands heartily.Ivy is insidiously irascible inside.Just join joggers joyously.Keen knights kill knowing kindness.Long leaves lay loosely, lingering listlessly.My muse may moan miserably.No, naysayers never need negotiation.Orchid orchards overshadow odour.Poets play plenty poetic pranks.Quixotic queens question querulously.Ravenous ravens rise restlessly.Softly swaying she sings sweet serenades.The tragedy therein tortures them terribly.Usually users underestimate utility units.Very vicious villains vandalize variegated vernissages.Wintry winds whisper without wailing.X-rays x-ray xylophones.Yesterday you yielded yearning, yet yelping.Zealous zebras zigzag zoos.
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