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Dienstag, 17. April 2018

Writing Exercise 123

Hello again!
This week I have a little drabble for you, prompted by my dear friend and fellow member of the artist group I'm part of. Here goes:
2018/04/17 – platonic kisses (drabble)

The difference between kisses can be vast as worlds. It depends a lot on who you kiss. Your partner may receive kisses full of passion and longing or even sweet love and affection, your parents (or other family members) would get smooched with a different kind of love. Kisses between close friends would certainly be of the platonic kind, while embodying yet another type of affection – unless you are 'friends with benefits' of course. You may even kiss your enemy on the cheek, bitter and venomously. Isn't it fascinating how one and the same gesture can have so many meanings?

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