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Montag, 7. November 2016

Writing Exercise 048

Despite the fact that I'm pretty busy with translating Ravenous Adventures for NaNoWriMo, I managed to write a little something this week. It's a drabble about... writing. :)
2016/11/07 – about writing (Drabble)

First there is blankness, whiteness even. Fingers hover above the keyboard, itching to move and press the keys. Then from nowhere – or so it seems – there sparks a thought, or something less than a thought; nothing but a vague image which gradually becomes pin sharp. It morphs until it forms an idea. Suddenly a faint smile, eyes light up briefly – a soundlessly pulled trigger. For a long while nothing but a fast clicking fills the air, as letters destroy the blankness. Abruptly the frantic tapping stops. The creak of a chair, a sip of cooled coffee and a contented sigh.

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