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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2018

Writing Exercise 133

This week I have something controversial and political for you as I wrote a comment. Read for yourselves and feel free to discuss with me about it!
2018/06/26 – Glamis, Cawdor, King – What's up next, Mr. Trump?

“Fair is foul and foul is fair.” Who does not know Shakespeare's honourable warrior Macbeth, who is lured by sweet promises of twilight creatures, aims for the crown by bloody measures and is haunted by the consequences of his deeds? Today we may face another great warrior entitled with the democratic crown of the western hemisphere.
As we follow the line of actions in the war against ISIS we might be reminded of “Macbeth” seeing “the battle's lost and won”.
Indeed President Trump has kind of success striking back against terrorism, alright. That might glorify him to the head of the American world-police and moreover the American force seems kind of overwhelming.
But the battle is “lost” at the same time: reckless actions and military pressure on people produce more suffering, depression and frustration, which help terror spread and provoke self-destructive assassins to appear. And the world is shocked.
Glamis Trump obviously keeps on listening to these witch-like directors of flawed intelligence, instead of reflecting on the pros and cons of his actions. Or maybe he does, but ignores the negative consequences (which are quite a lot) in favour of his ambition to achieve honour, glory and power.
This is another feature he seemingly has in common with Macbeth, who finds every but one reason not to commit murder, but still does the deed.
Cawdor Trump might defeat all his enemies someday, but I fear he might kill his Banquo, whoever that is – maybe his European allies who he keeps affronting, maybe people in the middle east who want to change things themselves or maybe even the American people who elected him.
Yet King Trump's downfall is to come, but already terror's ghosts, ISIS, haunt the president and every radicalized self-destructive assassin that pops up seemingly out of nowhere should be a pointer as well as a warning sign: there should be found other measures but “bloody work that strikes back at the inventor” and quick attack against frustrated and misled minds. Terror has to be destroyed, there is no doubt in it, but the uppermost aim must be ending the suffering of the innocent, because they are the ones to strike back if we loose their trust by rash actions.
Therefore President Trump should better teamwork in order to find a convenient solution in the ISIS conflict, than being too ambitious like Macbeth or else he might not be able to estimate what is “fair” and what is “foul” for people living in the areas occupied by ISIS. It just might be the other way round according to the American world view.

Sonntag, 24. Juni 2018

Writing Exercise 132

Hello there!
This week I am a little late again. But I finished this Haiku just in tim for you to see. Maybe you have some time to do as I did?
2018/06/24 – party (Haiku)

Celebrate the day
Make new friends, meet old ones
Enjoy this life. Now.

Samstag, 16. Juni 2018

Writing Exercise 131

Hello again!
This week I'm a little late. But I have a summer-themed poem for you to read. I hope you can relate.
Here it is:
2018/06/16 – cherries (poem)

Spots of red between green leaves
Full and ripe and glowing
Reaching over from the eaves
For what summer has been growing
Finally claiming that sweet taste
Oh, how long did I miss
Deliciousness in my mouth so chaste
As if it were my true love's kiss

Samstag, 9. Juni 2018

Writing Exercise 130

This week I have written a drabble about a topic which concerns me a lot at the moment. Maybe you can see my point... Any opinions on that? Please feel free to discuss this topic with me.
2018/06/09 – GDPR (drabble)

Informational self-determination is important. To be able to choose which data to publish or to withhold is a right which should be protected, even moreso in this day and age. But are all data equally protection-worthy? Does the principle of proportionality even apply if I need to ask permission to collect impersonalized data about your location and browser or the amount of clicks (which I don't even use) but am forced to reveal sensitive data like my name, address and email in order to not get a fine? Why assume a pseudonym then? And is my data excluded from protection?