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Sonntag, 28. Oktober 2018

Writing Exercise 150


This is writing exercise 150 already. :o
This means there are 150 weeks of continuously writing tidbits behind me. With this week's little poem, here's to another 150 writing exercises. :D
2018/10/28 – The Little Leaf (poem)

There once was a little leaf
Budding on a stem of a tree
To whispered caution it was deaf
Wishing to be wild and free

There once was a bright green leaf
Basking in the summer sun
It was of the certain belief
That flying would be so much fun

There once was a withered leaf
Watching all his dear friends fall
It was stricken with great grief
Knowing this was nature's call

There once was a crumpled leaf
Covered by a blanket of snow
It had a dream quite nice, quite brief
Of buds in springtime's morning glow

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