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Samstag, 8. April 2017

Writing Exercises 068 and 069

I'm awfully sorry I have been absent. The reason is that I still don't have internet access at my new flat. :(
How can I upload this blogpost then? Well, I use my mobile to create a temporary hotspot. Just to let you know I'm still alive and writing. ;)

So today's update consists of both writing exercises for this and the previous week. Last week's exercise is a drabble about tenacity and this week I wrote a poem titled "good morning".
So here is writing exercise 068:
2017/04/02 – tenacity (Drabble)

Feeling like I have been running for ages I am exhausted, wasted. Is there finally an end in sight? All strength has left me. I feel it in my aching bones, I feel it in my tired head. Yet I still have to go on, have to move. “I am almost there,” I tell myself. “Just a bit more. Just a bit further. Just a bit of everything that is still left in me.” But how far can you get with that attitude? Pretty far, in my experience. Farther than you should have come, farther than you were meant to.
And here is writing exercise 069:
2017/04/08 – good morning

Mist arises from the lake
As the early morning dew
Twinkles in the first sun's rays.
How to start the days
Better than with this view
And a cup of tea to fully wake?

1 Kommentar:

  1. oder mit einem wundervollen guten Morgen Gedicht von dir!
