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Donnerstag, 24. August 2017

Writing Exercises 088 and 089

Hey there!

I can't believe I didn't upload last week's writing exercise. So sorry!
Therefore this week you get to read two exercises. That's not so bad, isn't it?
So here is writing exercise number 088:
2017/08/20 – cactus (Haiku)

Though covered with thorns
A cactus is a symbol
Of passion and love
And this is writing exercise number 089:
2017/08/24 – too tired (double drabble)

[…] As Jack reached the gates, he couldn't fully believe what was happening. He knew the world was a more wondrous and magical place than anybody could imagine – hidden in plain sight before the eyes of the oblivious and ignorant humans. Jack might be human, too, but he did believe there was more than met the eye. And ever since he had met the fallen angel he really knew there was a lot more out there than most people assumed.

In the quietness of her living room Asuka Ishimaru sat at her desk and stared at the paragraph she had written, fingers hovering above the keys of her laptop. It was 3:49 a.m. and the author had been in denial of her tiredness for hours. Her brain felt as if cushioned in cotton wool and stuck in the thickest of mists; white, blank – and impenetrable for any words to come forth. She kept on staring at the screen for a good seven minutes before she deleted the whole paragraph and sighed frustrated. Asuka rubbed her temples and sighed deeply again. It was no use. Finally she stood and trudged to bed. Deeply huddled beneath her blankets she instantly fell asleep.

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